Aeon Rivals — Free-to-Play 2D MMO!

Welcome to Aeon Rivals, a free 2D side-scroller MMO for Windows and Mac. Team up with friends, select from an expanding cast of characters and duke it out against invading Celestian monsters. You’ll have to stay on guard if you want to take these beasts down!

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Celestians are invading Earth2 and other planets. As a member of the Aeon Guild, your job is to stop their destruction before the damages become irreparable.

While Aeon Rivals is a 100% free 2D MMO, we have a strong stance against pay-to-win schemes. All our extra features offered will never give players unfair gameplay advantages. Our goal is to keep the playing field as level as possible so it stays skill-based and enjoyable for everyone.
[symple_spacing size=”10″][symple_button url=”/download/” color=”pink” size=”medium” border_radius=”2px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”download” icon_right=””]Download For Free![/symple_button][symple_button url=”” color=”pink” size=”medium” border_radius=”2px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”plus” icon_right=””]Create Account[/symple_button]

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Want more costumes and other exclusive content?
Join Club Aeon, which also helps support Metlmeta, the sole developer of this game.

Feel free to stop by Discord and say hello!


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